Saturday, January 12, 2008

Santa Came!!!

"Tanner, let's go see if Santa came.""Tatum, WHAT is that?"Cage fighting ring?How did Santa fit this in his bag?If you're not positive that cookies will make Santa swing by your place...Reindeer food always does the trick. Tatum showing off her new bath toysTanner found a aTm sippy-cup in his stockingTatum figuring out how to tear into her presentsIt's a work in progressWe had to teach her that in this family we just usually throw our paper in the trashThey got the hang of it Johnna got a new computer to blog on.
(Troy would like to add a disclamer that his pants are a tradition and in no way reflect his everyday clothing and/or underwear choice)

Tanner is thinking, "Does this thing need batteries?" Tatum is thinking, "I shouldn't have eaten all of that paper."


Ashley S. said...

So cute! Is that bounce house in your house?! You must have a great huge playroom! I still love the Christmas pajamas. (Even Troy's) :)

Shevawn said...

I can't believe they are turning 1! That is crazy! It looks like you guys had a great Christmas. Love the pics!