Friday, January 30, 2009

Big Boy/Girl Beds!!

Last week when Troy and I got out of bed we found Tatum in the living room with her blanket and her pillow. Troy thought that I had let her out and I told him I didn't. We then realized that the little escape artist had climbed out of bed and opened the door and decided to wait for us in the living room. We thought it was probably just a one time thing. Well it happened again a few mornings later so.......... we decided to move them into their toddler beds before someone got hurt. Tanner has already climbed out but he won't do it unless we are in there. The kids were soooo excited and played on their beds all day long. Here is grandma reading a book to the kids before their first night in their big beds! 

This is so sweet. The kids have started to say "I love you" and Troy has taught them that when they say I love you that we say back "no, no, no, I love you" and then they say the same thing back. We go back and forth forever!! This is Tatum pointing her finger and saying no, no, no.

Tanner in his new bed.
Tatum about to go night night!

I couldn't leave Carter out of this post so here he is in one of my favorite onesies

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