Friday, June 19, 2009


Tatum and Tanner are always getting into something. But it always seems to be Tatum who is a little more curious than her brother. She is definitely taking after her Daddy, I'm the COMPLETE opposite!!

We walk into the room to find this!! he he he Thank goodness he is the most easy going child on this planet!!
And then we see Tatum sitting up there laughing at him. Hummmmm I wonder how he got that helmet on his head??

One afternoon I walked into the kids room after they have woke up from a nap. We have taught the kids to stay in bed and wait for us to come in and get them. Well I found Tatum in her bed, with a empty bottle of lotion. It was empty because it was ALL over her, the bed, her sheets and dolls. Ya, I just thought we taught them to stay in there beds. And by the way, you know those times you are supposed to get onto your kids for doing something wrong, this was NOT one of those moments for me. I couldn't stop laughing. Every time I tried to get onto her I would bust out laughing. I don't think she learned a single lesson but I know she had fun!!

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