Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Johnna set her alarm last night and I asked, "what for?". She said that she was going to get up early to start a new tradition; pumpkin pancakes. What? Gross. There were no pumpkins
harmed in the making of this breakfast. They were real pancakes and tasted terrific. I was impressed.

After breakfast, we carved the pumpkin
Every time I would lift the lid Carter would try with all of his might to close it.
I totally LET Him win.
But he warmed up to it and tried to eat it.
I bet he's thinking, I wonder if I could fit down in there. ;)
Tatum helping scrape out the goop
Tanner showing Carter how it's done.
Mommy showing Tatum how its done
"I knew I could fit."
I would make a joke about Carter leaving a surprise in the pumpkin but that would be gross
The Cul-de-sac street party. It originally was going to include a haunted house which was dropped from the plans, but I don't see how it could have been any cooler. The neighbors all grilled and brought other food and deserts and sat outside and handed out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Everyone had a great time.

Here is a video

Sometimes they remind me more of Looney Tunes but we sure love watching these three Disney characters having fun. They were so good about keeping their costumes on.

Oh yeah, here are Tatum and Granddad sitting by the finished product.

All of the older kids were throwing the football in the street so Tanner ran in to get his mouse-sized football so that he could play too. Tatum joined in and I wish we had video taped these two little mice running around the cul-de-sac chasing each other with the football. It was hilarious how they ran in these costumes.

Off to trick-or-treat for Carter's first Halloween!

He knew exactly what to do with his first candy. (I'm sure there is a guilty grandparent somewhere who is responsible).
By the end of the night, the Twins had the "trick-0r-treat" thing down. Most of the night they would yell "Trick-or-Treat" walking down the street between houses and on the porch but when someone would come to the door, the cat got there little mice tongues and they stood there silent.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Dewberry Farm

Welcome to The Dewberry Farm
Although, Johnna and I have been coming here for 3 years now, this was Carter's first time to come and the twins' second.

Everyone had a great time. The Dewberry Farm is located West of Katy outside of Brookshire.

Granddad and Grandma with all their grandbabies in the pumpkin patch
Tatum LOVED the pony ride! She didn't wipe this smile off the whole time.
This is Tanner saying "Yee Ha Cowboy!"
There's nothing better that seeing your kids having a good time.

Tatum picked out a Cinderella Pumpkin of course
And, Tanner bit off more than he can usual.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

That's A Wrap!

Isn't it funny how we all have pictures like the last one but they never seem to make it into circulation? I wonder on average how many of the last picture it takes to get a good one. If I were a children's photographer, I would make a montage of the "out-takes" from all of your clients. I bet there are some funny ones.
To answer my own question, I would suspect that the number of children in the photograph is directly and exponentially proportional to the number of pictures like the latter that don't make the cut.


Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Happy 2nd Birthday Tatum and Tanner
So we are a little behind on post! Long story but we ended up having the twins family birthday party in June. Four babies were born all around their birthday and we knew that their new cousins wouldn't be able to come so we decided to hold off and have a swim party!! They had sooo much fun! Thanks to everyone who came and made this day so special!

The cupcakes were adorable and made by a wonderful friend of mine. She did all of the Sesame Street characters.

He looked so handsome!
My beautiful little Abby Cadabby!

Sorry Troy and Eric, I couldn't resist.
Grandpa and Tatum
Grandma Lori and Carter

Mammy and cousin Sadie
Could they be any cuter??!!

She LOVES to slide!
Tanner not so much!
Our wonderful twin friends! Logan and Addison!

Carter even had a great time!

Grandma feeding Tanner one of his favorite foods, PIZZA!!
Stacey, Pappi, Brittany

Mommy and the birthday boy!

And the birthday girl!

The only thing a child needs to have fun!

Lots of fun gifts!!

She was VERY excited about this new Abby baby!

They are such a fun age, they are really getting into opening gifts!

They loved everyone signing Happy Birthday to them, they even sang along!!

If you could only see how stinking adorable Tanner's face was. He was turning red he was blowing so hard to blow that candle out.
I think they both LOVE cake!