Thursday, July 26, 2007


Today the twins are six months old!! Wow, a half of a year has already flown by. They are doing great and loving their new home! This past month has been so much fun. They are both sitting up and playing with every toy in reach. They are both rolling over and have actually started to like tummy time!! They are talking constantly and Tatum enjoys her voice so much she sings ALL DAY!!! I think she takes after mommy, she loves to talk!!I finally had a little time today to take a few pictures. I thought I would share a few silly moments I got pictures of. This is what I get to clean everyday!! Tatum seems to always end up with food ALL over her and her face. Her favorite foods so far are bananas and peas.
Tanner loves food so much he wouldn't dare let any escape and get on his face or bib. This is what Tanner looks like right after eating. His favorite foods are: everything!!!

Tatum seems to put EVERYTHING in her mouth. Literally....

Only a mother would be proud of this, HE HE HE. I can hand him his paci backwards and he will try to put it in his mouth. He realizes that he can't get it in and he will take it out and look at it.

Then he will turn it around.
And stick it in!! I'm so proud of my smart boy!! The things we get excited about!!
I love these two kids more than words can say!! They have been such a blessing!! It has been the best six months of our lives.


Sandy Dandy said...

too cuuuuuute! i'm glad to hear the move went well and y'all are settling in. can you email me your new address!

Ashley S. said...

I am glad your move went well, but I was thinking that I am sad that you lost your adorable nursery at the old house. I hope (and know) you will come up with something just as cute there. Good luck unpacking! I am still working on it here.