Friday, November 16, 2007

Bows By Mammy

My mother-in-law makes all of Tatum's bows. I have been telling her that she needs to start selling them and she has finally decided to!!! These are only a few of what she already has made. She will make bows in any color, fabric, or style that you want. Her prices are very affordable, much lower than the boutique's! If you are interested let her know, her e-mail address is:


Michelle said...

Hey I got to your site through Lindsay's but I had a question for you. How do you keep the bows in Tatum's hair??? I have some but not a lot for my little girl. I might be interested.

jenna said...

How much does she want for them? I was JUST thinking about how cute those bows were in her hair... my little girl and Tatum have the same shape head, if that makes any sense.