Saturday, June 14, 2008

Weekend in Galveston

Troy's Dad rented a beach house a couple of weeks ago so we went down for a couple of days. This was the first time for the babies to play at the beach! 
Here we are about to take a ride in Pappy's new toy!
Tatum LOVED the water!!
Tanner was not so sure, he preferred to stay in mommy's arms.
They both loved playing in the sand. If you are wondering, we had to bring the play yard because it has become near impossible to keep up with these two CRAZY toddlers!!
Playing Peek-A-Boo.
Just being cute!
Just chillin with Daddy!
Tanner is a pro at punching the balloon.
Mommy lovin on Tatum!

1 comment:

Ashley S. said...

Pappy's toy looks pretty awesome to me! I bet people stared when you set up the play yard, but whatever works, right?