Sunday, July 06, 2008

Independence Day

Fourth of July at the Lake
The Hodges Family
Cousins: Makenzie, Tatum and Tanner pose miraculously together in their 4th of July outfits.
Is it too much to ask to get three toddlers to pose and SMILE together simultaneously?

As this was also a Hodges family reunion, everyone got these Old Navy fourth of July t-shirts to match. 

I am happy to say that both Troy & Johnna (and baby) got to ride Sea Doos and the boat. Our very conservative high risk doctor said to not be crazy but they really only worry about them causing nausea and more importantly vomiting. So, none of the latter occurred and we had a blast.

Daddy helping Tatum with her sparkler.
(Do not be alarmed, Josh in the background is simply in-between sparklers and not completely deprived of them altogether as his face may suggest.)

I think this picture is cute of Tanner helping Grandad with his sparklers.

Johnna having fun with her family
17 weeks pregnant.

Tanner and Tatum being cute:


beckyboo said...

Thanks, I think he's pretty cute! Looks like you had a fun 4th. Your twins are so cute holding those sparklers! You're looking good too.

Eric and Jen said...

They are getting cuter every time I see them! They're both developing little personalities more all the time too! Especially Tanner. Love the one of him peeking around the golf cart.

Eric and Jen said...

Oh, and Troy, I'll give you like $5 for you to draw me a new header picture. As long as we can set up a payment plan.