Monday, October 13, 2008

30 weeks

Well I'm actually 31 weeks while I write this post but here is my 30 week picture. Still feeling wonderful, I know I keep saying this but I just love being pregnant and feeling this big guy moving around!! This weekend I was given a beautiful baby shower, we were so blessed with everyone's generosity!! Thank you so much everyone!! Well that weekend I might have pushed it a little far, with the shower, Tatum sick and tons of things going on I ended the day on Sunday at the hospital with contractions. I found that if I was standing or sitting I would have them but if I laid down they would stop. So I figured I would call my doctor and he would just tell me to lay down since I had an appt. with him the next day. Not the case, he had me go ahead and go in just to be on the safe side. I was there for about 6 hours of monitoring and waiting for them to stop. They ended up giving me two shots of something which worked and we were on our way home at 3:00 in the morning. I went to the doctor the next day and he said I just need to drink more fluids!! YYYAAAEEEE, no bedrest. I have had a few contractions here and there but not anything to be alarmed about. I'm just taking it a little bit more easy and hopefully I won't end up in the hospital again!!! By the way, we are finally working on the nursery!! I will post some pictures soon!

1 comment:

Cute T Patootie Diaper Cakes said...

Well you look as Great as you feel! I'm hoping to feel better soon :(