Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tanner's First Haircut Adventure

My mom had cut my hair my whole life until she taught Johnna once we were married over five years ago. Once the twins were born and time became scarce, I usually visited TGF on "Ten Dollar Tuesdays" every once in a while. So, when it came time to cut Tanner's hair, we didn't know if his mom, my mom or a children's haircut pro would be the best bet. During our deliberation, family picture day snuck up on us and we decided after I had tried out a new barber shop for the first time, that we better get his done too.
This barber shop had been here in Kingwood for over 25 years but I have to admit, the only barber shop I had ever seen was the one that Eddie Murphy frequented on Coming To America. Oh, quite the contrary. We didn't meet Eddie but we did meet a nice group of Texas good ol' boys who hunt, fish, and cut hair. And they're pretty good with little rascals too!
We were reluctant to cut off his gold-e locks of course but as you can see, it was time.
Doug and Tanner fix'n to "git 'er done"
Tanner not that excited.
The first whack!

Tanner really lightened up once they got under way. The frequent blasts of compressed air (used to blow hair off) heard through out the shop and the visual feast of large mouth bass and trophy bucks provided a nice distraction.
Below, Tanner proudly displays his certificate, sucker and new do.
His haircut was actually cheaper that mine, and I was well behaved.
At least next time I don't feel the obligation to sit still and not scream.


Kindra said...

That video is so cute! I dont think i have to worry about a hair cut with Cayden for a while he is pushing 17 months and still doesnt have much hair! Ty on the other hand we still fight about his hair :)

Anonymous said...

how cute! i love those curls!

Anonymous said...

He is so flippin adorable! Reminds me of JT at that age.