Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Tatum & Tanner

What a wonderful second year! So many changes..... from learning to walk, to jumping and running with confidence. From mama and dada to I love you mommy, I love you daddy! They got their new baby brother and they have been the best big sister/brother in the whole world. Their little personalities have bloomed and we could not be more proud. They are both so caring, loving and sweet to each other and everyone else(most of the time). It is so fun to see the bond these two have. Tatum and Tanner are so amazing and have been such a wonderful addition to our family. To think 2 years ago we had prayed for one and we were blessed with two. I can honestly say it can't get any better. 

I was driving home from work early on the birth-day and thought it would be fun to get doughnuts for breakfast. So the twins got Shipley's for their birthday breakfast. We've been practicing spitting out candles and they've gotten the hang of it. 
Tatum got pink with sprinkles of course. And no, she doesn't sleep in a bow. :) We had to bow her up for the photo op of course.
Tanner thinks the only thing better than a milk mustache is a chocolate one.
We had cake and ice-cream with just us for their actual birthday since we were going to have a birthday party for them this summer so they can have a swim party with all of their cousins and family. All of the grandparents except Pappy and Grandma Lori celebrated with us. They were sick :(
The Birthday Girl and Birthday Boy

More spitting!! (No, they did great.)
*the moistness of this cake was in no way altered in the blowing out of these candles*

Here is their beautiful Mommy that blessed me with this wonderful family.
I wished someone had told me before I got to work that I had the wrong hat on!
Grandpa holding the lil' guy.
Here is Grandpa(and Carter) and Mammy with the birthday kids.
Grandad and Grandma celebrating with the twins
Have you ever tried getting your kids to finish opening presents after they opened the first toy?

Here is our little princess in her new outfit.  I love how she loves being girly and dressing up and playing with baby dolls and then getting into play clothes (hopefully) and playing ball with the boys and rough housing with me. Just like her Mommy!

Ah, I could just squeeze them! 
Hopefully other people feel the same way.
If not, disregard the previous statement and do not call C.P.S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are getting soo big! All 3 of them are just to precious for words. What kind of camera did you guys get? I still want to take pics of the twins!! I'm also starting weddings so keep me in mind :) This is my new blog...