Monday, April 27, 2009

Bluebonnets '09

Soooo Behind!!!
Sorry we haven't put any post up but it has been a little crazy. A couple of weeks ago we had Carter Baptized in Odessa. On our trip the twins picked up a very nasty virus. You name the symptom and they had it. Well it has lasted for two weeks and has pretty much made its way through the whole family. A cough is about the only thing everyone has left, I see a light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

Kelly Buckner took these photos about a month or so ago. She needed a couple of models for her website and we were lucky enough to be chosen!! She did a great job and the kids had a great time!

I absolutely love this one. They really do love each other so much!

Can it get any sweeter???
Oh my goodness, they are my everything!!
Carter was such a great sport. This boy is either smiling or asleep 90% of the day.
I know, I know, It's against the law to pick bluebonnets. False- we have been told our whole lives not to pick them because it's against the law, well we looked it up and that is just a myth. However, I will continue in the tradition and teach my kids the same thing. If everyone picked them then there wouldn't be any left!! It did make for a cute picture though.
The silly faces would be them smelling them. HE HE

Mr. Handsome!

So sweet!!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

These are great pics. They are absolutely beautiful...the kiddos, that is! I love the pics of them holding hands, and then peaking around the tree. You have some very photogenic kiddos on your hands!