Monday, November 12, 2007

A little bit of everything!

She really is as sweet as she looks!
He's growing up way too fast!I thought this picture was funny. Since they started crawling it's like they know what they are doing. When I pull out the camera to take their picture, they take off!! "Good luck mom, catch us if you can!!" Oh no, walking is around the corner. Is it legal to put your kids on leashes??

It's a "twin thing"!
These two do EVERYTHING together, it is soooo cute!!

Gifts from God!!

This is where we spend most of our time, playing in the playroom!!!

Daddy loves his baby girl and Tatum loves her Da Da!

A tribute to the hunters in the family! Thanks mammy and grandpa for all of our hunting gear!
Could he be any cuter??

Where's Bambi grandpa, I want to play??!!

This shirt says exactly what this little man has turned into, Wild Child!!!

Uncle Eric and Jen

Tatum puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, no matter what size it is.

Sweet little boy who is the fastest crawler in the west!!


Anonymous said...

Those pics are so cute!!! They're getting big! Johnna, i need your email address. what is it?

Anonymous said...

soooo cute! Gosh, they are into everything just like Marlie. Do they have any bumps from pulling up on everything?

The Baldwin Family said...

They are just so cute! You can see their personalities shining through the pictures!

Kim & Stephen

Ashley S. said...

Great update! I've been waiting patiently. :) I love the one of them with the bottles.

Sandy Dandy said...

how is that they keep getting cuter and cuter???

The Mansfields said...

Y'all look like you have too much fun :)